Hello Everyone, In this post, we have discussed the UPSSSC PET Exam Syllabus 2025 | UPSSSC Preliminary Eligibility Test Syllabus | UPSSSC PET Syllabus PDF for the best preparation of Preliminary Eligibility Test 2025.
It is very important to know the proper syllabus for the Upsssc Aspirants for the upcoming UPSSSC PET Exams. Candidates can get good marks in UPSSSC P.E.T. Exam by preparing according to the right syllabus. So, read this post completely to know the PET Syllabus 2025.
UPSSSC PET Syllabus 2025 [Updated]
Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission (UPSSSC) will conduct the PET exam every year. This exam will be conducted for the recruitment examinations of almost all Group C posts like Junior Assistant, Lekhpal, Stenographer, Junior Engineer, Lower PCS, Forest Guard, VDO in all the departments of the Uttar Pradesh Government.
UPSSSC PET exam can be conducted Online or Offline Mode, in which 100 multiple-choice questions will ask. There may also a provision for 1/4 negative marking for each wrong answer.
Mainly, UPSSSC PET Exam Question Paper will divide into 5 parts, which are as follows –
No. | Subject’s Name |
1 | General Hindi |
2 | General Intelligence |
3 | General Maths |
4 | General Knowledge |
5 | General English |
UPSSSC PET Exam 2025 Topic-Wise Marks Distribution
No. | Topics | Total Marks/ Questions |
1 | Indian History | 05 |
2 | Indian National Movement | 05 |
3 | Geography | 05 |
4 | Indian Economy | 05 |
5 | Indian Constitution & Public Administration | 05 |
6 | General Science | 05 |
7 | Elementary Arithmetic | 05 |
8 | General Hindi | 05 |
9 | General English | 05 |
10 | Logic & Reasoning | 05 |
11 | Current Affairs | 10 |
12 | General Awareness | 10 |
13 | Analysis of 2 unread passage | 10 |
14 | Graph interpretation and analysis | 10 |
15 | Table interpretation and analysis | 10 |
Timing | 2 Hour = | 100 |
UPSSSC PET General Hindi Syllabus
Here, I will provide you UPSSSC PET General Hindi Syllabus for the best preparation of the Upsssc PET Exam.
Candidates will be asked questions related to testing their understanding and writing ability under the knowledge of the Hindi language. Finally, all these questions are the level of the High School Exam of Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Council.
I will provide you a list of important topics. so, read every topic carefully for the best preparation for your dream job.
General Hindi Most Important Topics
- Treaty (सन्धि)
- Antonyms words (विलोम शब्द)
- synonym words (पर्यायवाची शब्द)
- A word for phrases (वाक्यांशो के लिए एक शब्द)
- Gender (लिंग)
- Equivalent words (समश्रुत भिन्नार्थक शब्द)
- Idioms (मुहावरे लोकोत्तियां)
- Common errors (सामान्य अशुद्धियां)
- Writers and compositions – prose and poetry(लेखक एवं रचनाएं – गद्य एवं पद्य)
- Unseen passage (अपठित गद्यांश)
UPSSSC PET English Syllabus
English is the new section for aspirants in Upsssc Exams.
- English Grammar
- Unseen Passage
UPSSSC PET Maths Syllabus
Here, I will provide you UPSSSC PET Maths Syllabus for the best preparation for the Upsssc PET Exam.
Mathematics syllabus has been extended in UPSSSC exams Since 2025. Therefore, the Maths syllabus is being presented for you in a concise manner.
Elementary Arithmetic Most Important Topics
- whole numbers
- Different
- Decimal
- Percentage
- Simple numerical equation
- Square and square root
- Exponent and power
- Average
- Graph interpretation and analysis
- Table interpretation and analysis
UPSSSC PET Reasoning Syllabus
Here, I will provide you UPSSSC PET Reasoning Syllabus for the best preparation of the Upsssc PET Exam.
It is to be noted that reasoning questions are aimed at understanding the new situations, analyzing various elements, and measuring the ability to identify and reason. In this section, such questions are also asked, which understand the instructions, draw conclusions, and related to intellectual actions.
So, Read every topic carefully and give the best performance in Upsssc Pre Exams.
Reasoning Most Important Topics
- Large and small
- Order and ranking
- Blood Relation
- Segregate
- Calendar and watch
- Cause and effect
- Coding and decoding – numbers and letters
- Negative Reasoning – Statement Analysis and Decision
UPSSSC PET General Knowledge Syllabus
Here, I will provide you UPSSSC PET General Knowledge Syllabus for the best preparation of the Upsssc PET Exam.
The General Knowledge section is highly important not only in UPSSSC Exams but also in all competitive examinations. Since the syllabus of General Studies is very detailed, so, it is not easy to study it completely and remember facts and concepts. But if you carefully observe the GK questions asked in various exams of the past years, then it is automatically clear how important these questions contribute to qualifying for the competitive exams.
Therefore, I am providing you a list of some important topics related to general knowledge. Finally, read these topics very well. Hopefully, these topics will be very helpful in qualifying for the PET exam.
Indian History and National movement
- Indus Valley Civilization
- Vedic culture
- Buddhism
- Jainism
- Maurya Dynasty
- Gupta Dynasty
- Harshwardhan
- Rajput period
- Sultanate period
- Mughal Empire
- Maratha
- The rise of British Raj and the first freedom struggle
- Social and Economic Impact of the British Raj
- The early years of the independence movement
- Swadeshi and Civil Disobedience Movement
- Revolutionary movement And the rise of extremism
- Legislative Amendment and the British India Act, 1935
- Quit India Movement
- Azad Hind Fauj and Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose.
- Physical geography of India and the world
- Rivers and valley of rivers
- Ground water resources
- Mountains and glaciers
- Desert and dry areas
- Forest
- Mineral Resources
- Political geography of India and the world
- Climate and weather
- time zone
Indian Economy
- Indian Economy from 1947 to 1991
- Planning Commission and Five Year Plans
- Development of Mixed Economy – Private and Public Sector
- Green revolution
- Milk development and operation flood
- Nationalization and Reforms of Banks
- Economic reforms in 1991 and the economy thereafter
- Post 2014 Economic Reforms
- Agricultural reforms
- Structural reforms
- Labor reforms
- Financial improvement
Indian Constitution & Public Administration
- Indian Constitution
- Salient Features of Indian Constitution
- Directive Principles of State Policy
- Fundamental Rights and Duties
- Parliamentary system
- Federal System, Union and Union Territories,
- Union State Relations
- Judicial Structure, Supreme Court, High Court
- District administration
- Local Bodies and Panchayati Raj Institutions
General Science
- Elementary physics
- Ele. chemistry
- Elementary biology
Current Affairs
- National & International
General Awareness
- Neighboring countries of India
- Country Capital and Currency
- States and Union Territories of India
- Indian Parliament, Lok Sabha, Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council
- National and International Day
- World organizations and their headquarters
- Indian tourist destination
- Art and Culture of India
- India and World sports
- Indian Research Organization
- Famous books and authors
- Awards and Winners
- Climate change and environment
UPSSSC PET Syllabus 2025 PDF Download
Here, I will Provide you Upsssc PET Syllabus PDF Download link. So, download the Upsssc PET Syllabus 2025 PDF for the best preparation for your dream job. Save & Print it for future reference.
Note – You can Download Upsssc PET Syllabus PDF from the given link below.
Download Upsssc PET Exam Syllabus PDF – Click Here
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Iam interested in UPSSSC PET coaching