UPSSSC Junior Assistant

UPSSSC Junior Assistant” (कनिष्ठ सहायक) is a position within the Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission. The role typically includes providing administrative support to government officials and performing a variety of clerical and administrative tasks.

The Junior Assistant is responsible for:

  • Data entry and maintaining records.
  • Handling correspondence and maintaining files.
  • Scheduling and coordinating meetings and appointments.
  • Providing information to the public and other government officials.
  • Performing other duties as assigned by the government or local authorities.

It is a lower-level administrative position that requires a high level of accuracy, attention to detail, and good organizational skills. The Junior Assistant works under the guidance of senior officials and helps in maintaining the smooth functioning of the office.

UPSSSC Junior Assistant Selection Process 2023

UPSSSC conducts Junior Assistant Examination in 2 phases. So, the first phase includes a written examination and the second phase includes a computer typing test. To be selected for this post, you have to qualify for both tests. Then, a merit list is prepared based on cut-off marks and finally successful candidates are appointed as junior assistants in various departments of the Uttar Pradesh government.

The basis of selection in the Junior Assistant exam is the following 2 stages-

  • Objective type Multiple Choice Questions
  • Computer Typing Test (Hindi & English)

Meanwhile, the “UPSSSC” can conduct a written examination in an online/offline mode for selection for the advertised posts of ” junior assistant”.
for the selection on the advertised posts under the Junior Assistant General Selection Exam, online/offline written examination, customs, and procedure rules, 2015 dated May 11, 2015, and in relation to direct recruitment for the posts of Uttar Pradesh Group C, Personnel Section-2 Uttar Pradesh Government Order Number-07/01/01/2014-of-2-will be done according to the order number-07/07/2014.

What is the salary of Junior Assistant in UPSSSC?

The candidates, who are selected for the post of Kanishtha Sahayak (JA) are given a salary of approximately Rs. 21,700/- month with additional grade pay of Rs. 2000.

UPSSSC Junior Assistant Salary after 7th Pay Commission

Salary will be as follows:

Name Of PostUPSSSC Junior Assistant
Grade Pay2000/- INR
Pay Scale5200 – 20,200/- INR
Total SalaryApprox 21,700 with Allowances

UPSSSC Junior Assistant Age Limit

Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission has set a minimum age of 18 years and a maximum age of 40 years to appear in JA the Examination.

Minimum Age Limit18 Years
Maximum Age Limit40 Years

Age Relaxation: UPSSSC provides age relaxation to the following category candidates.

  • PH Candidates are provided a relaxation of 15 years in the maximum age limit as per the latest existing Government Order dated 03 February 2008.
  • Ex-servicemen are provided an age relaxation of 03 years in the maximum age limit.
  • Skilled players are provided an age relaxation of 05 years in the maximum age limit.
  • Uttar Pradesh’s Candidates(OBC, SC, ST) and other candidates are provided an age relaxation of according to Uttar Pradesh reservations rule.

UPSSSC Junior Assistant Qualification

There are the following educational qualifications (Compulsory qualification) and other preferential qualifications that are mandatory to appear at the JA (Kanishtha Sahayak) Exam.

Post NameUPSSSC Junior Assistant
Educational Qualifications
(Compulsory Qualification)
Intermediate Exam Passed & CCC
Exam Passed from DOEACC/NIELIT
Hindi Typing Speed 25 Word/Minute
English Typing Speed 30 Word/Minute
Preferential Qualifications NCC-B Certificate/Served in the
Territorial Army for a minimum
period of 2 years

Candidates, who can Apply for UPSSSC Junior Assistant Exam

The Candidates who have-

  • Qualified in the Intermediate Exam of Secondary Education Council Uttar Pradesh or any examination recognized by the Government or its equivalent.
  • CCC certificate in computer operation provided by DOEACC Society or any certificate provided by any government-recognized institution or its equivalent.
  • Minimum computer typing speed of 25 words & 30 words per minute respectively in Hindi and Engish language.

ये तीनों योग्यताएं सभी अभ्यर्थियों के लिए अनिवार्य हैं।

UPSSSC Junior Assistant Fee Details

UP Kanishtha Sahayak Exam Fee Details:

Processing Fees
Total Amount

Important Notice:- The above-mentioned fee can be paid through only Credit Cards, Debit Cards, and Internet Banking. Therefore, candidates are advised not to pay their fees in any other medium than these mediums.

How to fill out UPSSSC Junior Assistant form 2023

Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission has divided the Form filling process into five parts. These are as follows –

  1. Candidate Registration
  2. Upload photo and signature
  3. Remaining Details (eg – Educational Qualification & Address, etc.)
  4. Fee Payment and Form Submission
  5. Print out

Finally, The candidates can complete all the above-mentioned procedures to fill out the application form in one go.

UPSSSC Junior Assistant Exam Pattern

Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission has designed the following exam pattern for JA (Junior Assistant) Exam.

UPSSSC conducts the Kanishtha Sahayak Exam in the following 2 stages.
1 – Written Exam
2 – Computer Typing Test

Note – Candidates are allowed to appear in the Computer Typing Examination, only when they have qualified for the written examination.

1 – Written Exam:

SubjectNumber of
Part-IHindi Knowledge
writing ability
Intelligence Test
Part-IIIGeneral Information 4020
Total Duration1 Hr. 30 Minutes

Note:- UPSSSC has also made a provision of Negative Marking, which is 25% ie 1/4 of the marks of the correct question.

2 – Computer Typing Test:

Typing Test LanguageFont NameMinimum Typing Speed
Hindi Typing TestMangal /
Kruti Dev
25 Word/Minute
English Typing TestEnglish30 Word/Minute

Note:- The typing test is only qualifying in nature. therefore, its marks will not add to the final Cut-Off.

Is there a negative marking in UPSSSC Junior Assistant Exam?

Yes, there is a 1/4 negative marking in the Junior Assistant Exam, which is 25% marks of the correct questions.

UPSSSC Junior Assistant New Syllabus 2023

UP Subordinate Services Selection Commission has released the new syllabus for the Kanishta Sahayak exam. whose details are as follows.

Hindi Knowledge & writing ability: The Candidates are asked questions related to their knowledge of the Hindi language and the test of their comprehension and writing ability under this section. Finally, these questions are of the level of the High School Examination of Secondary Education Council Uttar Pradesh.

General Intelligence Test: The Candidates are asked questions related to understanding the new situation, analyzing and identifying its various elements, and their reasoning under this section. In this test, there will be questions, which are based on understanding instructions, finding relationships, similarities and compatibility, drawing conclusions, and intellectual actions.

General Information: The Candidates are asked questions based on general knowledge of their surroundings with their uses in society, current events, daily updates, knowledge of historical, and geographical facts (especially related to India), and their scientific aspects under this part

You Can Download here UPSSSC Hindi Syllabus PDF 2023:

UPSSSC Junior Assistant Hindi Syllabus PDF 2023DOWNLOAD HERE

UPSSSC Junior Assistant Exam Chapter-Wise Syllabus

& Writing

Hindi Language: Main facts, Alphabets,
Spellings, Joining, Prefix-suffixes, Compounds,
Kind of Words, Synonyms, From Noun to
Indeclinables, Antonyms, Rearrangements,
Word-Power, Single word for a Group Word,
Fill in the blanks, Proverbs, Kinds of
Sentences, Sentence-Correction, Idioms,
Comprehension, Sentiments, Metres,
Ornaments, Letter writing, Punctuation,
Poets and their Creations, etc.

Verbal Reasoning: Analogy Test,
Classification, Alphabets, Coding-Decoding,
Direction-Distance, Blood Relation,
Order & Ranking, Sitting Arrangements,
Puzzles, Quiz Tables, Series, Mathematical-
Operations, Arithmetical Reasoning,
Alphanumeric Sequences, Equation based
problems, Diagrammatical Interpretation,
Logical Sequences of Words,
Data Sufficiency, Input-Output, Inequality,
Calendar, Time & Clocks, Situation
Reaction Test, Decision-Making, Syllogism,
Statement Course of Action, Statement &
Assumptions, Statement & Arguments,
Statement & Conclusion, etc.
Non-Verbal Reasoning: Water Image, Mirror
Image, Shadow, Counting Of figures,
Embedded Figures, Paper Folding, Paper
Cutting, Formation of Figures, Dot Situation,
Grouping of figures, Dice & Cubes, etc.

Indian History, Indian Geography, Indian
Economy, Indian Polity, Indian Culture,
Current Affairs, Uttar Pradesh GK, Science
and Technology, Understanding Social
Structure, Physics Chemistry, Biology,
National Unity, International Understanding,
Science and Society, Cultural Heritage of
India, India’s Freedom Struggle,
International Organizations, Important
Days & Dates, Computer Basics, Miscellaneous
, etc.

UPSSSC Junior Assistant Hindi syllabus 2023

Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission has published the hindi syllabus for JA exam, Which details will as follows:

  • हिन्दी भाषा: मुख्य तथ्य
  • वर्णमाला
  • वर्तनी
  • सन्धि
  • उपसर्ग-प्रत्यय
  • समास
  • शब्द भेद
  • संज्ञा से अव्यय तक
  • पर्यायवाची शब्द
  • विलोम शब्द
  • अनेक शब्दो के लिए एक शब्द
  • रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ति
  • वाक्य के प्रकार
  • वाक्य-शुद्धि
  • मुहावरें
  • लोकोक्तियां/कहावतें
  • क्रमबद्धता
  • पाठ-बोधन
  • शब्द-शक्ति, रस
  • छंद
  • अलंकार
  • पत्र लेखन
  • विराम चिन्ह
  • प्रमुख रचनाएँ एवं उनके रचनाकार
  • हिन्दी साहित्य का इतिहास
  • अन्य

How to crack UPSSSC Junior Assistant Exam 2023

In order to qualify for the UPSSSC Junior Assistant Exam, regular practice, research, and solving of old question papers and Daily mock tests are compulsory. Apart from this, a strong grip on the Hindi language, Reasoning, General Studies, Daily current affairs, and Hindi, English typing will be very helpful in qualifying for the Exam.

upsssc ja

UPSSSC Junior Assistant Recruitment 2023

Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission has released a notification for the post of UPSSSC Junior Assistant Recruitment 2023. which, details you can see in the table given below.

Name of PostUPSSSC Junior Assistant 2023
Total No. of VacancyNotified Soon
Download NotificationCLICK HERE

UPSSSC Junior Assistant Best Books 2023

Here, we are providing you the details of the best book for your good preparations for the Kanishtha Sahayak Exam.

The importance of books in competitive examinations of the Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission is well known. According to the ever-increasing requirements, new things are being discovered quickly. Many books are available in the market for guidance and awareness of competitive candidates. But, due to the changed pattern of examinations and new types of questions asked every day, the demand for new competition books is increasing day by day. Therefore, we are providing you with the names and publications of some of the major books related to UPSSSC Junior Assistant Book 2023. As a result, the competitive candidates will not face any problems related to the preparation for the JA Examination.

The following books can contribute a lot, to get success in the upcoming Exam in 2023.

UPSSSC Junior Assistant Best Book|UPSSSC Junior Assistant Book in English|UPSSSC Junior Assistant Practice Set Book|UPSSSC Junior Assistant Hindi Book

These books will help aspirants understand the pattern of this examination and prepare according to their suitability.

Book’s NamePublication/Author’s Name
UPSSSC Kanisth Sahayak
(Junior Assistant)
Partiyogitatamak Pariksha
(20 Practice Sets)
Naveen Shukla
UPSSSC Junior Assistant Inter (10+2)
Level Recruitment
Exam Practice Work Book- Hindi
Kiran Publication
UPSSSC Kanishth Sahayak
Junior Assistant Samanya Chayan
Pratiyogatmak Pariksha
Arihant Publication
UPSSSC All Exams Solved Papers Kiran Publication
UPSSSC Exam 36 Solved Papers Youth Competition Times
UPSSSC (Kanishth Assistant/
Junior Assistant) General Mental Ability
Youth Competition Times
Book ) (Hindi Edition)
Youth Competition Times
Practice Book 20 Sets for
UPSSSC Junior Assistant Pariksha
Agrawal Examcart
UPSSSC Junior Assistant Bharti
Pariksha Practice Book in Hindi
X-EEED Publication
Junior Assistant
(Junior Assistant Entrance exam)
Agrawal Publication

UPSSSC Junior Assistant Reasoning Book

Find here details of the UPSSSC Junior Assistant Reasoning Books for your better preparation for the Kanishtha Sahayak exams.

List Of UPSSSC Junior Assistant Reasoning Book:

Book’s NameAuthor/Publisher’s Name
UPSSSC Samanya Reasoning solved
question Paper
Ghatna Chakra
UPSSSC Mega Book – Subjectwise:
Reasoning – Quant – GK – English Based
on Previous Year’s Papers
A New Approach to REASONING
Verbal & Non-Verbal
UPSSSC Reasoning Part 4  Ghatna Chakra

UPSSSC Junior Assistant Model Paper

UPSSSC Junior Assistant Model Paper is available here for free download. You can download it easily and also make use of this model paper for better preparation of Upcoming Exams –

Model Paper-1Available Soon
Model Paper-2 Available Soon
Model Paper-3 Available Soon
Model Paper-4 Available Soon
Model Paper-5 Available Soon

UPSSSC Junior Assistant Free Mock Test

Are you preparing for Junior Assistant Exam? If yes, then don’t miss our free mock test. This will help you to improve your preparations and get 100% success in upcoming exams.

जूनियर असिस्टेंट परीक्षा का फ्री मॉक टेस्ट देने के लिए यहाँ पर क्लिक करें।

UPSSSC Junior Assistant Exam Dates

Here, you can see the Junior Assistant Previous Exam Dates conducted by Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission in various years.

Exam’s Name/Advertisement No.Exam Date
Junior Assistant 2015
Junior Assistant 04-Exams/2016 24/04/2016
Junior Assistant 01-Exam(S.S)/201719/02/2019
Junior Assistant 26-Exam/201631/05/2019
Junior Assistant 4-Exam/201904/01/2020

UPSSSC Junior Assistant last year Question Papers

Last year’s question papers are very helpful to the candidates who are preparing for the upcoming Junior Assistant Examinations. These papers have been published by us so that they can get an idea of what type of questions will be asked in the examination, so they can prepare accordingly and score good marks.

कनिष्ठ सहायक परीक्षा के पुराने प्रश्नपत्रों को डाउनलोड़ करने के लिए यहाँ पर क्लिक करें।

UPSSSC Junior Assistant cut off| last year Cut Offs

Explore here all the details regarding the cut-off marks of the Kanishta Sahayak exam by which you can easily attain a clear idea about your chances of getting selected for the next level examination.

विभिन्न वर्षों में आयोजित होने वाली कनिष्ठ सहायक परीक्षा की कट आफ देखने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें।

UPSSSC Junior Assistant Typing Test

Computer typing is very important in qualifying for the Junior Assistant exam. If you are qualified in the written examination and your computer typing speed is not good then you can never become a Kanistha Sahayak. Therefore, here I am giving a link below for the practice computer typing test, by clicking on it you can improve your computer typing speed and take selection.

Hindi Typing25 Word Per Minute
English Typing30 Word Per Minute

UPSSSC Junior Assistant Upcoming Vacancy

UPSSSC yet not released the notifications for the Junior Assistant Upcoming Vacancy.

ज्यादा जानकारी के लिए यहाँ पर क्लिक करें

One thought on “UPSSSC Junior Assistant

  1. Is there any provision of exemption for handicapped with affected hands, in typing test for junior assistant recruitment, UPSSSC?

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